Monday, March 26, 2007

LieStoppers Blog Is a Must Read

If you have any interest at all in the Duke Lacrosse rape case - and if you are reading this I have a hard time imagining that you wouldn't have at least a passing interest - I very, very highly recommend that you visit, and in fact read daily, Professor KC Johnson's blog, LieStoppers. Professor Johnson's blog contains all of the most recent news, as well as probably the most insightful and penetrating analysis on this travesty of a prosecution. It is a must read. And, if you are visiting here from Professor Johnson's blog, or from the Lie Stoppers message board, welcome. I hope you enjoy the blog and that you come back frequently.

Former Budget Director David Stockman Indicted

David Stockman, who served as director of the Office of Management and Budget, was indicted today on securities fraud and other charges, the Washington Post reports. Stockman pleaded not guilty, and vows to vigorously defend against the charges. He was released on $1 million bail.

Gonzales Aide Takes the Fifth

The Washington Post reports that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' senior counselor, Monica Gooding, has asserted her Fifth Amendment right against self incrimination and is refusing to testify to Congress in the silly US Attorney firing probe. Given as to how Congressional hearings and grand jury proceedings in political cases have now become little more than perjury traps and gotcha games, who can blame her? As I have always advised clients, and anyone else silly enough to listen, when the government says they want to ask a few questions, don't even think about thinking about answering until you've consulted counsel.